Veet Stand Out Challenge Event
Last night, i went to Veet Stand Out Challenge Event which is held at Preview Louge, Cathay Cineplex because my collegemate, Celine was compete in that event. Because this is the private event, so each 10 girl finalists are allowed to bring 10 friends along for the event. After register, i was given one Veet goody bag, inside with Veet products, a december issue of MYC! magazine, and some other cooler stuff. During the event, all 10 girls have to do a mini catwalk and also introduce themselves to the audience. There were few judges present that day and one of them is Miss Veet 2005. During the results for the Veet 2006, the judges have announced one of the girl named Maxine from MMU as the winner of Veet 2006. The top 2 and 3 i am not sure but Celine fail to make it to top 2 and 3. It's ok for her and i am still happy that she had made it to top 10 of Veet challenge. At least she had gain some experience in that competition and made our college proud. After the event, there was a special screening of the romantic comedy movie "Wedding Date". I really enjoy that movie so much and were given free drinks and popcorn. Overall, it was an enjoyable day and a very big thanks to Celine for invite me to that event.

The top 10 finalist for the Veet Stand Out Challenge 2006

The Veet Goody Bags

Me with Celine just after the event